6,000th Home Uplifted


JONESBOROUGH – The Tennessee Valley Authority (TVA) announced the completion of its 6,000th Home Uplift project at a Friday morning ceremony with BrightRidge and the Morton family at their Jonesborough home newly improved through the program.

The family purchased their home while living abroad in Japan as Mr. Morton was completing his 23rd year of service in the U.S. Marine Corps. After preparing the home with new paint and moving in, the family quickly found the home had additional needs beyond their capacity. That’s when an internet search led the Morton’s to the Home Uplift Program.

It is difficult to put my feelings of gratitude into words,” Mr. Mark Morton said at the event. “This program has exceeded any expectation I had when we began searching for grants and home improvement programs. I am also astounded at how these two major corporations have come together to serve the residents of their community.”

Home Uplift is designed to assist income-qualified homeowners by providing home energy upgrades to improve efficiency and comfort while also lowering utility bills – at no cost to the homeowner.
Home Uplift is funded by TVA, participating local power companies across a seven-state area, and private contributors. Valley-wide, the Jonesborough home of the Morton family was the 6,000th project completed since TVA began the program.

“We are proud to partner with BrightRidge on the Home Uplift program,” said Monika Beckner, TVA Vice President of Energy Services & Programs. “This initiative demonstrates our shared commitment to improving the lives of our customers and building stronger communities.”
Morton’s home also is the 257th local residence to be improved by BrightRidge and TVA in the BrightRidge service area. To date, the companies have invested $3.13 million in critical home improvements, enhancing the lives of area residents.

Mark and Angie Morton, owners of the 6,000th Home Uplifted.
Mark and Angie Morton, owners of the 6,000th Home Uplifted.

“Homeownership is a cornerstone of the American dream,” said BrightRidge CEO Jeff Dykes said at the event. “We are thrilled to play a role in helping our neighbors maintain and improve their homes. This program is a testament to our commitment at BrightRidge and TVA to strengthening our communities and providing a higher quality of life for all our residents.”

Through Home Uplift, eligible homeowners received essential home improvements at no cost, including new HVAC systems, duct work, insulation, air sealing, and other energy-efficient upgrades. These improvements not only increase comfort and indoor air quality but also result in significant energy savings, with BrightRidge participants enjoying an average of nearly $400 in annual utility bill reductions.

“These funds also have contributed to 22.12GWh in net energy savings or 84,900 tons of CO2 emissions savings – which is equivalent to planting 1.27 million trees,” Beckner said. “That’s incredible.”

Locally, BrightRidge has partnered with the Upper East Tennessee Human Resource Agency and the Johnson City Housing Authority to expand outreach, as well as the Bank of Tennessee.

“This program is a success across the Tennessee Valley and here at home because TVA and BrightRidge understand the power of partnerships,” Dykes said. “I thank Mr. Morton and his family for their service to our country and for assisting us in highlighting the impact of Home Uplift. I also thank TVA and the BrightRidge Board of Directors for having the wisdom, foresight and acumen to develop and fund this program.”

To learn more about the Home Uplift Program, please visit: https://www.brightridge.com/residential-services/programs-and-services/home-uplift/.

Acerca de BrightRidge

BrightRidge es una empresa eléctrica de propiedad pública que presta servicios a 83.671 clientes en los condados de Washington, Sullivan, Carter y Greene. Es la décima compañía eléctrica local más grande en el área de servicio de la Autoridad del Valle de Tennessee. BrightRidge Broadband, una división de BrightRidge, ofrece servicios de fibra hasta las instalaciones simétrica de 10 GB líderes en el país a más de 30 000 ubicaciones en su área de servicio.