New Construction Requirements


BrightRidge is committed to providing safe, reliable electric service at a reasonable cost. Our employees understand that meeting construction needs, and timely scheduling are also important. Follow these steps to expedite the process for obtaining electric service for new construction:

  1. Obtain a 911 address.
    1. City of Johnson City Building Division: 423-434-6047
    2. Town of Jonesborough 423-753-1030
    3. Washington County: (423) 928-9111
    4. Sullivan County: (423) 323-2034
  2. Schedule an appointment.
    Schedule an appointment with the BrightRidge Engineering Department by calling (423) 952-5034. Allow three to four days for appointment scheduling.
  3. Obtain an electrical permit from the State Electrical Inspector.
    • Purchase State electric permits online for all county locations not within the cities of Johnson City or Kingsport.  Call (615) 741-7170 for additional information or visit the State website at
    • Purchase City of Johnson City electric permits by contacting the Building Division at 423-434-6057 or at the city’s website.
    • Purchase City of Kingsport electric permits by contacting the Building Department at 423-229-9393 or at the city’s website.
  4. Obtain approved inspections.
  5. Make application for service as shown below.
    • It is the customers’ responsibility (whose name the service will be in) to contact BrightRidge to request service. All aid to construction charges must be paid before construction commences.

*All construction charges must be paid before a service order can be made.
*An application for a service order may be made at any time. If the service order is made but the charges have not been paid or the inspection has not been received, the work order will be held in Engineering. Once all three conditions have been met, the Construction Department will take over.

Temporary Service Requirements

  1. Electrical Inspection
  2. Payment of any related aid to construction charges.
  3. Application for a temporary service order may be made by calling a BrightRidge Customer Service Representative at (423) 952-5000.
    If you plan to use the same temporary for more than one house, BrightRidge requires the temporary to have the address of the LAST house being built. If this is not possible, there will be a temporary service order required for each address. The service order to be for the last house completed if the houses are adjacent to one another.
    • If they are not adjacent, it would likely be best to have individual temporary services.

Permanent Service Requirements

  1. Approved electrical inspection
  2. Payment of any related aid to construction charges.
  3. Application for a permanent service may be made by calling a BrightRidge Customer Support Representative at (423) 952-5000.

*Electricians please advise the customer of the need to apply for permanent power. However, the service may be required by the city to go into the contractor’s name first.
*Under no circumstances will power be connected without an inspection and service order.