Comprehensive Services
To see if your business qualifies for these or other additional services, contact our Energy Services team at (423) 952-5142 or email
Comprehensive Services
We recognize that no two customers are alike. We also understand that your time is a most valuable resource. Through our Comprehensive Services Program, BrightRidge partners with TVA to help you resolve any energy-related issues or concerns, as well as develop a strategy that will meet the needs of your business.
The objective of our Comprehensive Services Program is:
- To develop a one-on-one relationship with you and to be your ultimate energy resource.
- To develop greater energy awareness, increase energy efficiency, and explore new energy technology.
Infrared Scans
Preventive maintenance is key for any industrial customer. Let BrightRidge help you properly maintain your facilities’ internal electrical system. By using infrared scanning, our staff can locate “hot spots” in your electrical system, identifying potential problems before they arise.
Infrared scans find hot spots caused by defects in connections and components. BrightRidge Thermographers use infrared scanning to locate hot spots for commercial and industrial customers. An Infrared scan is an excellent preventative maintenance tool that can identify faulty electrical connections or components before they fail and cause equipment damage or unwanted down time. During an infrared scan, a wide variety of electrical equipment is scanned, such as electrical panels, switchgear, disconnects, transformers, etc. Once the scan is complete, a hard-copy report will be provided to you. In the report, hot spots are classified as minor, intermediate, serious, or critical dependent upon the temperature rise of the electrical connection or component. It is recommended that these inspections be completed at least once a year.

Ultrasound (Air Leak) Inspections
Leaks in your compressed air system can result in significant efficiency loss, which result in higher energy costs. As much as 15% of generated compressed air can be lost due to air leaks. Large leaks are noticeable, but smaller leaks are often undetectable, especially in a large industrial facility. This enables you to repair the leaks, make your system more efficient, and save money. We are glad to offer this service to you at no charge.
Compressed air is a vital part of many manufacturing and industrial processes. In many cases, compressed air systems are the largest energy consumer in a manufacturing facility. A simple ultrasound inspection and repair can go a long way towards reducing excessive costs. Keep your system operating efficiently by letting BrightRidge conduct an ultrasound inspection. Our staff, along with a representative from your company, will inspect the facility with an Ultrasonic camera used to detect leaks in your compressed air system. Each leak detected will be tagged for ease of locating and noted in a final report. Each leak will be identified as small, medium or large, and an estimated savings will be calculated. It is recommended that these inspections be completed at least once a year.