BrightRidge Calendar Contest
It’s time for the BrightRidge Calendar Contest!
BrightRidge is hosting a calendar contest for all 4th graders currently enrolled in public schools, private schools, and homeschool programs in the BrightRidge service territory. All artwork submissions received by May 13th, 2019 will be judged, and the top 12 pictures selected will be featured in a calendar to be printed and distributed within our community. This year’s theme is “Energy Conservation”. Students may use any medium they would like (crayons, color pencils, paint, etc.), but they must use the submission form at the end of the calendar contest packet. Additionally, submissions will only be accepted with parent signatures. Parental signatures allow for the publication of student artwork and photographs on the BrightRidge website, newsletter, and social media. The winning artists and school will be announced in May. Calendars will be available in August at the start of the 2019-2020 school year.
Each of the 12 winners will receive special prizes and calendars from BrightRidge!
Grand Winners:
The school with the most calendar contest winners will receive a party in May for the entire 4th grade! Teachers who administer the BrightRidge Calendar Contest from the prize-winning school will also receive special gifts and calendars.
*Winners will receive their prizes in May. Calendars will be distributed in August 2019.
Please call the Marketing Department at (423) 952-5142 or email for any questions. Thank you!

About BrightRidge
BrightRidge is a publicly owned electric utility serving 83,671 customers in Washington, Sullivan, Carter and Greene counties. It is the 10th largest local power company in the Tennessee Valley Authority service area. BrightRidge Broadband, a division of BrightRidge, offers nation-leading 10GB symmetrical fiber-to-the-premise services to more than 30,000 locations in its service area.